The wreath. |
I made the crown/wreath! I used fake foliage and flowers from Michaels, but you can basically find this kind of thing in any large craft store. I actually found a ready-made circle of fake leaves, so I just tied or weaved the other flowers into it using their stems, which sometimes had wire in it, or in the case of the flowers, I pulled them off the stems and tied them on using the leaves, which I also pulled off the stem.
Also, if you want to use real flowers, that's wonderful, if not better! I was just lazy.
The shirt of the pajamas. (Excuse the
bad photo, I didn't have a camera
so I used my computer webcam. :P) |
I also got a velvet pajama set for the dress that needs a lot of work because it has pants that need to be turned into a skirt as well as it being two separate pieces instead of just one, but I liked the fabric and it was cheap. I might continue looking to see if there's anything better, but I think it'll
Other details I got/have include ribbon for the sash and a pin that I may or may not be using in the costume.
That's all for now!