I have to point out the excellent Excalibur cosplay in the background!
And, yeah, I do look kind of scary in this picture. |
Hi! So I wore this cosplay (I will from now on refer to it as a cosplay–) to Otakon, which was very fun! I'll also be posting a post about it's performance on Halloween, so don't think I'm forgetting what this blog's about!
Recognition: 7/10
So yay! A bunch of people recognized me, including a person dressed as Soul who said "makamakamakamakamaka" as I passed by, and at least three people took a picture of me! But, it's to be expected that I would be recognized in this crowd, I mean, it is Otakon, after all.
Strength: 10/10
Nothing broke at all! I was worried that the buttons might come off, but they held very well, and all-in-all, this is a great costume for a con because of its durability.
Just another cool picture of Maka! |
Comfort: 8/10
Pretty comfortable, except that the skirt kept riding up (I was wearing leggings, so it wasn't really a problem), the gloves were kind of annoying to take on and off to eat and such, and near the end of the day the wig cap was digging into my skull, but pretty comfortable, nonetheless.
Con Rating: 9/10
I'm replacing the candy rating section for obvious reasons. So this con is really fun! I had a lot of fun every day and at the photoshoot and hopefully will be going next year. Even the lines were fun, because they gave you some rest in between all the walking. The only complaint I have is that the first day we had to wait two hours to get in the building because of the line (next time we'll get the badges the day before!)
So it was really fun, and I'll try to go next year. I also forget to mention that I went to the unofficial Soul Eater photoshoot, as seen in the picture above. It was really great, even if I didn't talk much to the other people, I still really enjoyed being around other Soul eater fans!
Anyway, I'll post more near Halloween!