Saturday, September 23, 2017

Pierrot: The Shirt Collar

Collar, wig, and gloves implemented!

Well, the shirt is almost done! That's exciting!

The collar is made of a very long rectangular strip of cloth (about 50'' long and 10'' wide), which was made very similarly to the neck of the shirt— we used the same cinching technique (a shoe lace threaded through the top hem), but we made the collar wider than the shirt neck so that it would bunch up more.

Then, for a Halloween-y flourish, my father sewed this cobwebby-bat-themed tulle that we had left over from another project in pleats inside that collar while it was un-cinched, and then we scrunched it up again and voilà! A perfect Halloween finish. We left the back unfastened, but you could also sew it up, which will make it less likely to pop open in the back. Now the only thing left to do on the shirt is the pom-pom buttons!

Because the shirt was coming together, I went ahead and tested out the wig (reused from my Ciel Phantomhive cosplay) and black gloves (also from my Ciel cosplay!) — I'm very happy with how the wig looks, I like the longer length for a Halloweenish Pierrot! The gloves also pick up the black in the ruff and, in the future, the pom-poms, which is good.

That's all for now! Happy Halloween!

Pierrot: The Body of the Shirt

Pierrot's Shirt


So, my father used the patterns we figured out the other day to make the body of the shirt, and it looks pretty great! I'm very pleased with the shape. 

As you can see, we extended the sleeves a little past the hemline of the shirt to give it a more floppy appearance. We also widened the body of the shirt from the (already widened) pattern by about 4 more inches, but even with all that widening, I would say that you could widen it even more if you wanted it to look really billowy.

The neck.

The picture on the above is showing where the drawstrings for the collar are positioned inside the shirt.  They are in the hem of the collar and come out in the back on the inside of the shirt. Then you just pull the strings and tie, and you have a lovely scrunch!

I could just leave the shirt like this, because it looks pretty good, but I'm also going to have a collar, which will be discussed in the next post, and some fun pom-pom buttons!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pierrot: Designs and Shirt Pattern

Design 1
Design 2


Above you will see the two designs I created while brainstorming what I want the costume to look like. The finished product will mostly be design 2, except for the shirt, which will be design 1 but with pompoms or red roses for buttons. The makeup in design 1 is basically what I'll be doing, but I won't be adding the tear in the final makeup because it conflicts with the spike accents on the eyes and makes it look too busy.
I'm also going to be wearing black gloves, and black pointed boots (the heeled Victorian kind that you can find in costume shops. ) I'm still deciding on the trousers, but it's between black leggings and the white scrub pants that I used for my Near cosplay.

We're just using a large white sheet for the fabric of the shirt. My father and I worked on the pattern for the shirt yesterday, which we based on this adorable child's smock pattern. (If the link doesn't work, look for a pattern for an art smock that has long raglan-style sleeves.) It's a really simple pattern, and since the final shirt will be so big and billowy, there is a lot of room to make mistakes!

That's all for today.

Happy trick-or-treating!