Friday, October 5, 2012

Sif: The Chestpiece

A reference picture of Sif. From the movie.
Okay, this is what I've done so far.
I've just finished working on the chestpiece part of her armor.

I will just call it her armor, since that's the biggest piece of armor she wears.

I cut Craft Foam to fit me (with some help from my dad), then painted it using silver Acryllic paint.
I paint the armor.
I applied the silver paint by doing one coat of light silver, then going over that with darker paint using a roller, which made a cool "weathered" look. Then I went over that with a damp brush, which made it looked like brushed metal.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to wear this costume to the New York Comic Con, because it won't be done in time! Too bad.